Digital Media Majors

8 Great Jobs For Digital Media Majors

Online Marketing 7 Mins Read
published on: 28 September 2023 last updated on: 20 November 2023

College is often the most fun time of people’s lives.

It’s understandable since college gives people four years to enjoy adulthood without having any overbearing responsibilities in the real world. All you must do is learn and ensure you pass your courses. The real worry for most people comes after graduating from college. Finding a job can often be challenging, especially in the current economic landscape.

As a result, you’ll often hear people talk about the importance of choosing the right major. The right or ideal major is an arbitrary term since people’s preferences and interests define what is suitable for them. However, the unfortunate reality is that some majors are more employable than others. For instance, STEM graduates are more highly demanded than liberal or fine arts majors.

But that doesn’t mean you should resign yourself to a career in one of the STEM fields, especially if you don’t enjoy it. Various other options exist that allow you to pursue your interests while retaining excellent employability prospects. A digital media degree is one such option.

A digital media degree is a more modern option that prepares graduates in various media forms, including social media, video, and audio. Thus, a digital media bachelor’s degree gives you promising career prospects in digital marketing, advertising, entertainment, and various other industries. If you’re considering a digital media major and wish to learn more about potential job opportunities, this article has everything you need.

Great Jobs For Digital Media Majors

Here are some great jobs for digital media majors:

1. Production Assistant

A digital media degree prepares you to work in film and television. A job as a production assistant might be the perfect starting point for your journey in these industries. A production assistant is usually tasked with supporting TV and film production in any way possible. They’ll assist the entire crew by relaying messages from directors and producers to crew members. They’ll also help the cast and crew prepare for every shoot, run errands, gather supplies, etc.

Starting as a production assistant is particularly beneficial if you wish to become a Hollywood director or producer in the future.

2. Graphic Designer

Another possible career path is becoming a graphic designer after graduation. As a digital media major, you’ll learn to use applications like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create compelling imagery for marketing campaigns and media projects. Therefore, you’ll already have the pre-requisite skills to get started as a graphic designer.

A graphic designer role requires you to create visual concepts that communicate ideas to consumers. Your imagery and visual creations must captivate, inform, and persuade consumers to perform a particular action.

3. User Experience Designer

User experience is becoming more pivotal in all industries. For instance, digital marketers and SEO professionals optimize websites to provide an excellent user experience to visitors. Similarly, video game designers want to ensure their users have a fantastic experience and spend countless hours designing a pleasing and easily navigable game interface. Even cloud storage providers like Google and Apple aim to provide an excellent user experience. Hence, it’s unsurprising that jobs like user experience designers continue to have great prospects.

4. Videographer

Videographers are becoming more common because the internet and social media platforms have resulted in a surge of content creators. While many content creators know how to shoot and edit videos, some don’t have the skills or time to create content. Thus, they often seek assistance from videographers. However, content creators aren’t the only ones seeking videographers. Many corporations hire them because they understand that video marketing is becoming increasingly common and is one of the most effective ways to reach and captivate consumers.

As a digital media major, you’ll already have a well-rounded skillset that could help you land videographer jobs. You’ll be responsible for shooting and editing small-scale video productions and working on them in post-production.

5. Animator

Have you always been interested in bringing art to life? If so, becoming an animator might be the perfect fit for you. The animation industry has grown rapidly, especially as 3D animation becomes more prominent in advertisements, video games, movies, etc.

As an animator, you’ll learn to make several images, called frames, and give them movement by displaying them in rapid sequences. In addition to working with 2D and 3D animation, you’ll be responsible for storyboarding and conceptualizing content by creating sketches.

6. Social Media Specialist

Social media plays a vital role in modern life. After all, statistics show nearly five billion people use social media. Its widespread use and prominence mean people use social media for more than just connecting with friends and family members or sharing life updates.

Instead, businesses have formed and thrived using social media platforms. Since these platforms already have a built-in user base, companies have realized they only need to redirect these users to their pages or accounts.

As a result, social media has become an integral part of many businesses marketing strategies. As a digital media major, you are perfectly qualified to become a social media specialist. Familiarize yourself with the marketing and advertising guidelines for different platforms, and you could become a social media marketing or social media manager.

7. Video Game Designer

While Hollywood might seem the appropriate place to take your talents as a digital media major, the video game industry might be an excellent place for you. Research shows the global video game market revenue was approximately $217 billion in 2022. It’s worth nearly $243 billion today and continues to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 13.4 percent. However, more importantly, the video game industry is almost thrice as big as the film and television production industry.

An excellent starting point for someone with a digital media major in the video game industry is becoming a video game designer. As a video game designer, you’ll contribute to the game’s narrative, character development, layout, etc.

8. Podcast Producer

Podcasts are all the rage right now. Everyone and their mother practically has a podcast at this point. Research shows there were approximately 460 million podcast listeners in 2023, which will grow to 505 million by 2024. Podcasts are especially popular in the United States, with statistics showing 62 percent of all US consumers listening to podcasts.

Digital media majors are well-suited to a podcast producer role because they have the skills to oversee a podcast’s production. Such jobs usually entail managing the recording studio, determining the narrative for every episode, editing content, and managing guest bookings for shows.

9. Data Analyst

Data analysis is one of the design opportunities in the digital media industry. A data analyst can help a business solve critical problems and go in the right direction. They can help optimize marketing campaigns and boost their impact. 

A data analyst is responsible for gathering data from different sources. They also analyze the data from different sources and understand how customers interact with businesses to make decisions. 

You will need strong statistical skills and a good experience with analytics software. A data analyst must also learn scripting languages and have the skills to interpret and visualize data. They also communicate their findings easily and memorably. 

10. Copywriter

A copywriter must create compelling copy for their target audience. They intend to align and resonate their copies with the user intent. They must know how to write compelling copies that grab readers’ attention. The copies can encourage the readers to take action and buy from the business running a c campaign. 

A copywriter has to be skilled enough to always think outside the box. They must be willing and ready to write for different channels. So, if you are trying to secure a job in this industry, you must have experiences showing instances of you thinking out of the box. A copywriter must also collaborate cohesively with graphic designers and other team members to work on their campaigns. 

11. eCommerce Specialist

An eCommerce specialist works to develop and implement strategies for businesses to grow their sales online. This could mean creating content and prioritizing their business product pages. They also have to analyze customers’ data to determine if the shoppers need assistance setting up the campaigns to drive more traffic to the eCommerce platform.

eCommerce Platforms must have a good understanding of marketing principles and analytics. They also need knowledge of web designing, development, and more. Working in the eCommerce platform requires familiarity with platforms like Shopify and Magento.


A digital media major is an excellent degree choice in today’s world because it adequately prepares you for multiple roles across various industries. You could join the podcast, TV, or film production industry. Alternatively, you could also work in digital marketing, advertising, or the video game industry. It’s a great degree because your options are endless, and the world is your oyster.

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Digital Media Careers Digital Media Education Digital Media Learning Digital Media Skills Digital Media Students

Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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