Everything You Need To Know About Grammarly

Everything You Need To Know About Grammarly

Content Marketing 5 Mins Read
published on: 21 April 2023 last updated on: 17 June 2023

Grammarly – currently, this is probably one of the most used and talked about tools among authors, bloggers, editors, and writers of all types.

Whether you want to print a story or write a blog post, you don’t want to write grammatically erratic passages. Plus, it is strenuous work to get through every single line of the work that you are going to publish. That is where tools like Grammarly step in – to help you correct spelling errors syntactical errors and improve your writing style.

So, if you are thinking of getting a Grammarly subscription, please go through this article to check if it is going to be worth it or, do you have to consider any alternatives.

About Grammarly  

About Grammarly

Grammarly is an AI-based communication and writing assistance tool that uses different varieties of natural language processing approaches combined with machine learning to deliver high-quality written content.

The tool excels at providing comprehensive feedback on your writing, checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntactical errors while you are writing online. It also offers a writing style guide to help improve your writing style.

Grammarly extension can be added to different browsers, writing tools like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, and different social media platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, and also on WordPress dashboards. The tool also has an option for checking plagiarism in your content.

How Does Grammarly Work?  

How Does Grammarly Work

The Grammarly tool integrates artificial intelligence. Their deep learning engineers and computation linguists have developed state-of-the-art algorithms that help it differentiate between good and bad writing in the English Language. Thanks to its experience checking millions of written sentences from the research corpora, Grammarly works efficiently to provide the best proofreading services and writing style guide.  

The app can be used on your desktop and your mobile phone and on any word processing tool. The tool works by underlining sentences with different color codes to point out spelling errors punctuation errors.

You can correct them with one click by taking the Grammarly suggestions. You can expand the suggestion option to learn more about Grammarly and the various writing assistance and suggestions it offers. You can get Grammarly to rewrite your sentence with a single click.

In short, all your writing endeavors are going to become easier – thanks to Grammarly.

Grammarly Features   

Grammarly Features

Yes, it is a proofreading tool; but there is more to Grammarly than simply proofreading. Whether you are writing a blog post, social media post, academic paper, or anything similar on your device, this tool offers an array of features to make writing easier for you.

Grammar Check  

Grammarly fixes all of your grammatical and punctuation errors with a single click. The tool offers you real-time suggestions and helps you with a guideline to correct your grammatical mistakes in writing.

You can also solve different punctuation errors like misplaced apostrophes, mistakes with commas, and other common mistakes with punctuation. Also, if you are subscribing to their premium version, you will get an explanation behind every flagged grammatical mistake.

Spelling Check  

The spell checker of the Grammarly tool is incredibly helpful. You can create your custom library by adding words to your custom library. There is also an option to create your customs style guide using the business version of the tool. The tool offers spelling checks for American English, British English, Canadian and Australian English. So, yes, you can modify spelling according to the region of the audience you are writing for.

Readability Check  

Grammarly offers a readability check by scanning all the clunky sentences in your writing. It takes different parameters into account for checking readability. These parameters are –

  • Word-count
  • Character count
  • Speaking time
  • Reading time

After checking the readability, Grammarly proposes a better and more concise writing style.

Style Improvement  

You can create an ideal written piece using Grammarly. The tool understands your ideal audience and their intent and helps you write sentences crafted especially for them. The rewriting options suggest different forms of sentences that feel better than the ones you have written.   It flags complicated words and sentences if the audience is set to general or informal. Their style guide helps you come up with just the written piece you want.

Editing Reports   

Now, you can generate an editing report for the written piece you have just improved. The downloadable editing reports offer you insights regarding the changes made in a particular written piece that editors can send to their writers.

The report has insights regarding character count, word count, readability metrics, and more to help a writer identify the areas that need improvement.

Style Guide   

Grammarly has a style guide helping writers who work collaboratively to stick to a particular writing style. This helps working professionals maintain a brand voice through their writing  using the set of words added in the style guide.

Grammarly Pros & Cons  

Grammarly Pros & Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of the Grammarly writing assistance tool –

Grammarly Pros  

  • AI-powered writing assistance tool offers accurate proofreading.
  • Great for spelling error check, function, and grammar check.
  • Offers comprehensive writing style guide.
  • Improves readability with a click.
  • Great tool for writing style checks.
  • Grammarly Chrome extensions help use it across different platforms.
  • Integrates with social media.
  • Usable on Android, desktop, and iOS devices.
  • There is a free version available.

Grammarly Cons  

  • The Free version has limited features.
  • It has an aggressive level of advertising.
  • The premium version is pretty expensive.

Grammarly Pricing  

So, how much is Grammarly charging nowadays? There is a free version of Grammarly that students can use. But if you want to use the premium version of the Grammarly tool, then check out the price list below–

Premium$29.95 / month$59.95$139.95

Grammarly: Our Verdict   

Grammarly is a very useful tool for different professional and academic uses. A wide range of people, such as Bloggers, Freelance writers, Copywriters, Journalists, Content marketers, Students, and authors, can use it for writing purposes.

Yes, there are some ads in the free version, and there is not enough features available in the free version. But the premium version is equally amazing and easy to use. Having used the tool for more than two years, I can say that it is undoubtedly the best grammar checking tool available in the market. I hope that this review was helpful. However, if you have any queries about the same, you can let us know to us through the comment section.

Have A Look :-


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Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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