Qualities of a Great leader 

Leadership 08 July 2024 7 Mins Read

Leadership qualities are crucial in our dynamic business world. The one-size-fits-all strategy is no longer relevant. That’s why we need leaders with the best leadership qualities for the situation.   

This article explores the best leadership qualities that define an ideal leader.   

Effective leadership propels organizations to new heights, inspires teams, and fosters a culture of innovation and success. In the same vein, we will relate the achievements of celebrated business leaders that resonate with their leadership qualities.   

What Is Leadership?  

What Is Leadership_

Ideally, leadership is an assimilation of the best leadership qualities. But how do you describe that?   

Let’s find out.  

Leadership involves guiding, inspiring, and influencing individuals or groups toward a common goal or vision. However, leaders adopt their unique ways while doing so. They have separate approaches.   

However, the final output of their efforts defines their success rate.   

Effective leadership encompasses integrity, vision, communication skills, adaptability, empathy, resilience, and dedication to continuous learning.   

However, the proportion of these qualities in a leader may vary. That’s what defines their leadership styles.   

 Experts say that a leader doesn’t need to exhibit all qualities equally. However, all leaders must have their best leadership qualities.   

Essential Characteristics of a Good Leader  

Essential Characteristics of a Good Leader

Though we cannot define a leader’s quality apparently, we may study their actions. That helps us to list the most important leadership characteristics.   

1. Self-assessment and peer review  

Leaders should also feel what their team thinks of them. Herein, the role of self-assessment and peer review becomes infallible.   

– Conduct periodic self-assessments and seek feedback from peers for personal growth  

Paul Walker, CEO of Franklin Covey, says that frequent self-evaluation is paramount for a leader. Self-assessment has helped him to assume the CEO’s role commendably for the last 22 years.   

Most leaders also gather structured feedback from subordinates. Reassurance helps leaders fathom whether they’re on the right track. That’s why over 85% of Fortune 500 companies use the 360-degree feedback methodology.   

2. Goal-setting  

Leaders delegate their vision to their teams. However, teams cannot perform well without their hands-on support. That’s why leaders must set achievable goals for their teams.   

Delineate specific, measurable goals aligning with personal growth and organizational objectives  

Let’s take the example of Herb Kelleher to understand it better. He was a transactional leader. He set clear goals for the team members. He also set expectations for employees.   

However, his goals resonated with Southwest Airlines’ business aim. At the same time, the measurable goals were meant to help employees gain more skills and yield better results each time.   

3. Skills development  

If you are a business leader and don’t know how to use Zoom Meetings, it’s all in vain.   

Focus on developing soft skills like empathy, active listening, and effective communication  

Leaders need soft skills and technical abilities to convey their vision and action plan. On one hand, soft skills like empathy and active listening help a leader to exchange vibes with his team.  

Empathetic leaders are more acceptable and respected. Their opinion, guidance, and suggestions matter to the team.   

The same goes for a leader who is also an active listener.   

Active listeners take time to listen and understand the perspectives and messages that the team must share.   

They are the last to speak. However, active listeners can make more informed decisions. That’s why their choices are more relevant.   

Now, coming to communication skills.   

The pandemic showed us the power of good communication.  

It is one of the best leadership qualities. Perhaps the most important one if you ask me.   

More than 200,000 businesses are already using Zoom. There are other such corporate communication apps.  

Leaders who can use these apps better can also communicate better in real-time.   

4. Leading by example  

Leading by example is a common feature among best leadership qualities. However, you may observe it as an essential characteristic that defines a leader.   

However, what do you need to do to lead by example?  

Consistency in actions and behaviors to inspire trust and empower others  

These are just the threshold steps required. However, most reliable leaders have their own best leadership qualities.   

The best qualities of a leader make others follow them. For instance, Satya Nadella was the first US company to emphasize diversity and inclusion widely across Microsoft.   

Now, more than 40% of US companies prioritize diversity and inclusion. Maybe that’s what you call leading by example.   

5. Network of support  

You need an assisting network of adept and experienced people to guide you. You are the last man to make a call to action as a leader. But you can’t keep an eye on everything happening.   

That’s where mentors, peers, and tactical experts can help you. Their assistance will give you industry insights, wisdom, and clarity of mind.   

What Makes a Good Leader?  

What Makes a Good Leader_

A good leader is a composite of intrinsic leadership skills and the ability to nurture the best leadership qualities.   

A good leader earns respect, assists in workload, and ensures cohesive teamwork  

Leaders should play a hands-on role to guide and mentor the team. That’s the most viable way for them to earn respect.   

However, respectable leaders are not the most successful. A leader must be a confidant to each team member, too. They must know each one’s strengths and weaknesses.   

Otherwise, they won’t be able to assist the team members.  

Different leadership styles exist  

Different leadership styles exist

 There are many unique leadership styles. You will find a master of each style in the business world. So, defining or categorizing the best leadership styles is impossible. However, let’s see the best leadership styles that leaders commonly follow;  

  • Transformational– motivating and encouraging the team with their clear visions and action plan  
  • Delegative– relying on team members to carry on the significant responsibilities and playing a passive role   
  • Authoritative– setting clear objectives and rigid action plans for employees and making all decisions in the team/department  
  • Transactional– following a reward and punishment strategy to inspire employees, like David Solomon, the CEO of Goldman Sachs  
  • Participative– helping team members with a hands-on approach.  
  • Servant Leadership– keeping the needs of the company and team members before anything else  

10 Leadership Skills You Should Focus On  

10 Leadership Skills You Should Focus On

To nurture your leadership quality, you must gain some pertinent skills. Here, we have summarized the common business leadership skills that leaders need.   

1. Integrity  

Integrity is an unmissable quality that business managers, executives, and leaders of the top layers must possess.   

Their integrity is vital to the organization’s success as they make critical decisions and devise business strategies.   

2. Self-awareness  

Self-aware leaders are more empathetic. They are also capable of deciding what’s best for their team.   

3. Vision  

Visionary leaders communicate readily with the team. They ensure that each employee shares their vision, too.   

They also make employees feel valued. That’s why employees achieve better cognitive development under visionary leaders.   

4. Communication  

Good leaders have more than one effective communication technique under their sleeves. They can use those skills to convey data or solicit inputs. They also have good oral and written communication skills.  

5. Empathy  

Empathetic leaders will go the extra mile to understand the tentative feelings of the team members. That’s why they can make stronger bonds with all team members.   

6. Adaptability  

Let’s say transformational leaders are the most adaptable. They can navigate issues and conflicts. They can also understand changing needs and deliver an action plan.   

7. Resilience  

Best leadership qualities certainly include resilience. Worthy leaders have a strong growth mindset. That’s why they are more resilient to contingencies.   

8. Decision-making  

Able leaders can make swift and fair decisions. At the same time, they have the highest consensus among all leaders.   

9. Collaboration  

Leaders must handle various colleagues and subordinates. They have their own perspective and sensitivities.   

However, leaders can understand their needs and preferences due to strong collaboration.  

10. Inspiring others  

 As we know, leaders with the best leadership qualities lead by example. That’s why they can inspire others to improve their skills and perform better.   


Best leadership qualities aren’t any unfathomable characteristics. With perseverance and hard work, any employee might reach these ranks. Effective leadership qualities are a continuous journey of self-awareness, dedication, and growth.  

But celebrated corporate leaders exhibit a balanced mix of all these qualities. Nurturing specific leadership skills can transform one into an impactful and successful leader.  

But you need to decide what kind of leader you want to be. Then, you can start working on skill-building.   


Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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