Signature Logos

Can Signature Logos From A Sign Generator Be A Good Option For Businesses?

Business Development 5 Mins Read
published on: 29 November 2023 last updated on: 30 November 2023

Logos are an important part of any business. They help in establishing a brand identity for a business and lead to recognizability and an increase in business value. 

A signature logo is usually created keeping in mind certain principles, such as a fit-in with brand values and products, the company culture, and the message the company wants to convey to the viewers. 

Therefore it is important to take all these factors into consideration when designing signature logos for a company or business website.   

What Is A Signature Logo? 

In the context of brand identity design, a signature logo is a logo that just consists of the company’s name, set out in unique colors and an identifiable font. 

The company’s name does not need to be abbreviated. For instance, ZARA, Disney, Pepsi and Coca-Cola can be identified as valid signature logos, owing to their defining mix of color, font, and company name. 

People often wonder if it is sufficient to use just the company name for the purpose of brand identity. The consensus is that this is really fine, especially if you need your brand to stand out in the long run. Shorter names are generally seen as more impactful when it comes to signature logos. 

The Place Of Signature Logos In Creating Brand Identity

Since signature logos are personalized and unique, they are mostly seen as working best in the fashion services industry or for small business enterprises run by individual entrepreneurs. 

A singer will profit from using a signature logo because the singer’s face and brand is represented by their unique signature. 

Likewise, hair stylists, photographers, and other such professionals can use signature logos for their business. 

It is a common misconception that big businesses such as corporate entities cannot employ signature logos. Some of the most iconic companies use signature logos, such as Walmart, Cadbury, Virgin and Kellogg. 

The success of these companies, some of them conglomerates, means that signature logos work for businesses both large and small. 

What You Need To Consider When Creating Your Signature Logo

Creating Your Signature Logo

The following are some elements that need to be considered when creating your signature logos.

A. Font:

The font has to be the most important part of your signature design. The font must represent your values with the help of visual characteristics. It is better to choose something that will represent you well and attract attention at the same time. 

It is better to look at the fonts that are being used in your industry. Don’t use a style or font that is too simple or extravagant. Also, avoid a font that is being overused. Research and explore before you make your final selection. 

B. Color:

The second thing that you should look at is the color of your logo. In a traditional signature made with a pen on a printed document, you would generally use blue or black ink. However, you can try out various shades before you decide what would be best for your signature logo. You can also look at color theory before you decide on a color for your signature logo. 

C. Slogan:

Especially for those who have just started their business, you should preferably combine a slogan telling people what you do, such as the profession you are in. A real estate agent or photographer would be an example. This will help people who don’t know you understand what you do so that they can contact you if they need your services. 

D. Spacing:

The role of spacing is also quite important in signature logos. Changing the font can also affect the spacing between the letters. It is a known fact that the Spanish clothing company ZARA changed the spacing between letters, making them closer and tighter in 2019. This has increased their business success. 

E. Readability:

No matter what font you select, it is crucial that readers can see and recognize your brand at first peak. If they have difficulty doing this, the whole purpose of the signature logo will be lost. It is, therefore important that the style and font that is chosen help in readability. 

Why Signature Logos Can Be A Good Option For Businesses

We mention below some reasons why signature logos can be a good option for business owners.

1. A signature logo gives an authentic human touch to your name.

Since this logo is designed by a logo artist or created by AI using auto-generation algorithms, it is unique to your identity. 

It adds the elements of genuineness and commitment. This can help you establish a strong foundation of trust among your peers and customers who do business with you.

2.  A signature logo makes you more easily recognizable.

Signatures have been used for hundreds of years. However, using a signature logo makes you stand out because it is generic and not generated by an AI tool. Lack of creativity can result in generic logos that are downright boring and not exciting at all. Signature logos can serve as a unique identifier, making you seen and remembered.

3. A logo adds an element of trust. 

Since a signature logo is identifiable and unique, it adds a personal touch and is a visual testament to your reliability and credibility. This definitely helps in the world of business, where trust is a highly desired element.

4. A signature logo works everywhere and is versatile.

You can use your signature logo everywhere, from business cards to social media advertising. The versatility of signature logos means that it can fortify your brand image and get you more loyal followers and customers. 


We have now looked at signature logos in detail, considering their use in business. It may also be possible to license your signature logo using a law firm, just like a copyright or trademark. This makes it possible for businesses to sue for copyright infringement. 

If you are willing to use the services of a good sign generator for signature logos, you can try the services of Artlogo. You can use the Artlogo Signature package that consists of simple designs or even the Handwritten Artlogo Signature design for a more customized and artistic look and feel. Try it out today and see for yourself. 

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sign generator for signature logos versatility of signature logos

Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favorite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel, and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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