Hiring Philosophy

Hiring Philosophy: A Guide On Hiring Philosophies That Companies Swear By!

Corporate 7 Mins Read
published on: 25 August 2023 last updated on: 24 February 2024

Getting a job is tough. With an increasing recession and inflation rates going up,  a job that pays well is no less than winning a lottery. Let’s get deep into hiring philosophy.

However, if you are equally attracted to the corporate work life as me, if sitting with the laptop for hours is something that you plan for yourself, there is no way that you can avoid giving multiple interviews. 

Interviews are one of the most draining things that you can invest your time in. It does not even guarantee 100% success. For instance, if you are participating in ten interviews, there is a chance that you will only be able to crack three of them. That is just 30%, a considerably low percentage of success. 

Do you know why so many people pass the written text white flunk in the interview? 

Well, it is because the hiring philosophy for every company is different. 

The hiring philosophy for a fashion magazine will definitely be different from that of an MNC. 

Therefore, as a candidate, it is crucial that you first understand the hiring philosophy of the organization where you wish to give an interview and accordingly prepare yourself. 

So, without any further delay, let us understand the different hiring philosophies so that you are well prepared for whichever interview you are preparing to give next!

Hiring Philosophy That Companies Swear By

Hiring Philosophy That Companies Swear By

If you think from the perspective of a company, hiring the correct candidate is a tough job. 

There are tens of thousands of individuals who are desperate to get a job and will leave no stone unturned in order to do so. Therefore, you cannot really blame companies for having a specific hiring philosophy so that they only hire candidates who are best suited for the role. 

This also includes some of the most prominent organizations that top the global charts. 

So, without any further delay, let us explore some of the most popular hiring philosophies for you to read through the minds of the hiring professionals.

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Be Smarter Than Who You Think Is The Smartest

There is nothing called being the smartest. It is funny how the one individual that you consider to be the smartest in the room considers someone else to be the same. Therefore, it is safe to say that smartness is subjective. 

With this logic, you must aim to become the smartest one in the room, not subjectively but objectively. 

As Issa Rae, the Director, Writer, and Actor, had said,

“I like to hire people who have a specific lane, who do something very well. I hire a lot of people who are smarter than me. If I’m the smartest person in my company, then my company will go nowhere.”

While you may have heard that companies look for individuals who can multitask, Rae emphasizes the fact that it is even better to hire someone who is so good at one particular job that they outshine even the CEO of the company. 

Make Sure You Have Opinions That Matter

Make Sure You Have Opinions That Matter

While you are interviewed, you must know that the interviewer will not only be testing how good your educational or professional skills are. They will also be testing how opinionated you are and how effectively you can speak out without any hesitation. 

For any organization to function effectively, it is very important that each employee, regardless of their designation, gives their input. 

“I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person.”

– Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Meta. 

The same approach is followed by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself. This only proves how humble he is and that his hiring philosophy incorporates an approach where he is keen on taking advice from employees regardless of their rank or designation. 

This also counts as excellent leadership quality, where the job of a leader is not just to provide guidance to the employees but also to identify the ones that are capable enough to share the leadership alongside as the company grows. Therefore, you must make sure that you have a knack for leadership and fair judgment to impress the hiring professionals in case they follow the same approach. 

Make Sure You Are The Ultimate Pro At What You Do

While sitting for an interview, you must know that no leader wants to hire an employee who is not the best at what they do. There typically is no lie about the statement. 

You cannot expect to be a part of an organization where you are less efficient than others. That will not only hamper the productivity of the organization but will also make you suffer due to a lack of performance as compared to others.

“When you have really good people, you don’t have to baby them. By expecting them to do great things, you can get them to do great things. A-plus players like to work together, and they don’t like it if you tolerate B-grade work.”

– Steve Jobs, Former CEO, Apple. 

As the big man himself has said, it is necessary to hire what he calls “A-plus” people from the very beginning. No leader would otherwise be ready to compromise with the performance of their team. 

Don’t worry; you are not expected to excel in the job role in a company that you have just joined. However, they will look out for some of the extraordinarily driven and hardworking candidates who can pick up the work culture quickly.

Make Sure You Will Stick Through In The Rough Times

Make Sure You Will Stick Through In The Rough Times

As an employee, you can’t possibly expect the organization that you work for to bear profits every month. That is next to impossible. Not even the biggest organizations in the world have seen consistent profit without tasting loss. 

This hiring philosophy is something that most organizations like to follow. 

They always look for candidates that will show utmost loyalty to the organization, where they will stick through even when the profits aren’t coming through. 

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”

Oprah Winfrey, CEO and Chairman, Oprah Winfrey Network and Harpo Productions. 

While she may not have specifically mentioned anything about hiring, she has always opened up about what it is like to be a determined and successful leader. A company that has been successful over the years will easily attract candidates. However, the people who put their faith in the company’s mission statement and stick through even during the rough patches are the ones who make up for the best employees. 

People who can stick through the rough times are the very candidates who are best at decision making during challenging times. Hiring professionals particularly look for candidates with this personality trait as they continually seek results, and they want the ventures of the company to succeed under whatever circumstances.

Be Bigger Than Where You Are Going

As I have mentioned before, companies usually look for candidates that are bigger than what the organization is. This way, they bring in more significant inputs into their organizations. It help in pushing the growth of the organization as a whole. 

“If you always hire people who are smaller than you are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. If, on the other hand, you always hire people who are bigger than you are, we shall become a company of giants.”

David Ogilvy, Founder, Ogilvy and Mather. 

David Ogilvy, popularly called the “father of advertising,” emphasized this statement to advise the managers to seek ambitious and smart-working individuals. This is majorly important to help the company grow.

However, organizations have to be humble enough to accept the fact that they are to hire someone far more experienced and acknowledged to join the team. This must be taken sportingly rather than a threat.

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The Bottom Line

It must have become clear by now that most successful leaders have a particular hiring philosophy. Organizations all over the world are very keen to follow. 

So, having experience or knowledge wouldn’t get you the job you’ve been looking for. You have to dive deep into the hiring philosophy of the company that you aim for and accordingly figure out if you are the right fit. 

If there is a chance where you feel you are not the correct candidate, kindly refrain from applying there either. You will not only be wasting your efforts but also of the organization. 

So, if you are badly looking for a job, start preparing from today onwards. Research more about the hiring philosophy of the organization, and build yourself up accordingly.

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Upasana is a budding journalist who has a keen interest in writing. She considers writing as therapeutic and is most confident when she writes. She is passionate about music, movies and fashion. She writes in a way that connects with the audience in a personal level. She is optimistic, fun loving and opinionated.

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