reasons to call out of work

10 Reasons To Call Out Of Work: Reasons That Work!

Corporate 24 February 2024 5 Mins Read

Of course, the schedule is tight, and the target is chasing you. But that’s no reason to miss your son’s birthday party or a date night. When it comes down to enjoying life, you might have to miss work a little. But what are the best reasons to call out of work? How to make them believable? Don’t worry. Here is an article to help you find a solution and find the perfect reason to miss work.

1. Age-Old Trick: You’re Feeling Sick

This trick also worked in high school when we had to miss classes. If you are looking for reasons to call out of work, tell your boss you are sick. A stomachache or a fever always works. It is one of the best ways to miss work on short notice. However, not all bosses are persuaded that easily. So, if your boss is strict, you might want to come up with something different. Keep reading for more good reasons.

2. Child’s Sickness

So, you are a single father or a single mother, and you don’t have anyone to take care of Betty ( your daughter). Forget about Betty; irrespective of what your child’s name is, they are quite important in your life. So, when they get sick, it is like the sky falling down on your head. They need you, and you can convince your boss to let you off the hook for the day. Keep a convincing tone of voice so that they feel for your inconvenience.

3. Family Emergency!

When all else fails, the family comes to the rescue. A family emergency is something that doesn’t have a lot of follow-up questions. This is a common and strong reason that your typical boss will not deny. You can easily persuade your boss with a family emergency question. However, keep a good answer ready should your boss follow up and ask whether the issue is resolved or not.

4. Food Poisoning

Well, fake coughing sounds on phone calls are no longer working. Your boss can guess a fake coughing when you fake one. But they are not coming to your home to see if you are going to the toilet seven times a day. Food poisoning and diarrhea are common reasons for calling out of work. The symptoms of this disease can be pretty severe, making it difficult for you to get out of bed. Just tell your boss that the lunch outside yesterday was unhealthy. Your stomach couldn’t digest it. If you have a pretty good relationship with the boss, you will not regret this.

5. Religious Holidays

Suppose you live in a country like India with diverse cultures and religions. So, you are probably going to have lots of holidays. Although most offices allow employees to take a day off on government-recognized holidays, some might have exceptions. If some religious holidays get skipped in your office, you can take those days as a reason to call out of work. However, it would be best to notify the manager ahead of time to get off easily.

6. The Car Broke Down

Your car broke down in the middle of the road, and no mechanic shop was nearby to solve the situation. You can try this reason, even if it sounds a little unconvincing. Your boss won’t be easily persuaded. But, you have to be realistic while explaining the situation to them. Also, when the car breaks down abruptly at some odd area, taking public transit like a bus or a taxi becomes more difficult. So, you have to call out of work.

7. Moving Out

So, you came back to your apartment, and you have a notice for eviction. Ideally, this should not happen unless you have missed multiple notices before. But the reality is harsh. Now, you have to move out instantly. If you want a reason to call out of work, then here is a story that you can make up. Well, you need to make your voice as convincing as possible if you want to persuade your boss. Not everyone has the luxury of choosing the time they want to move out, right? Right!

8. Gotta Visit The Veterinarian

Do you have an animal? If your pet dog is sick, then he can get you a reason to call out of work. But the reasons always do not have to be true. It has to sound real when you tell someone that you have to call out of work because your pet is sick. Your dog might have eaten something poisonous, or the cat might be limping, and it might stop eating. These are concerning signs that you need to look out for. Just call your boss and tell them that it is a pet emergency and you need to take Tommy to the veterinarian.

9. Jury Duty

If you need a believable reason to call out of work, then this is it. When you receive a jury summon, you have to call out of work. Usually, these are responsibilities you cannot skip, and you need to be present there at once. More so, US federal law obligates employers to give their employees unpaid leaves for jury duty. However, this can differ across states. In some states, employees also get paid on leave days if they have to take care of jury duties.

10. Severe Migraine

Your boss wouldn’t want an employee working with a severe headache. If you have a severe migraine, it would be impossible to focus on any type of work. Some people are sensitive to noise. If you are one of them and if you have to sit in front of the computer screen all day, then it is better to take a day off. Just call your boss and explain the situation and tell them that you need a day off.

Bottom Line

If you look for it, you will find many reasons to call out of work. I have listed 10 common and believable reasons to call out of work in this article. However, whenever you use any of the reasons mentioned here, you must be persuasive enough to make your boss realize the truth behind it. Hopefully, you have found the answer to your queries. Please let me know how you feel about it.

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Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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