Interactive Marketing

What Is Interactive Marketing? Explained With Examples

Marketing 5 Mins Read
published on: 12 December 2022 last updated on: 17 June 2023

Interactive marketing is a two-way communication marketing strategy where companies connect with consumers directly to increase revenue and build a strong consumer base for the future of a business. Marketers and the infographicsinstagram post maker also call this marketing event-driven marketing or trigger-based marketing. This marketing strategy is also beneficial for the consumers as well, as they are able to communicate with the company. In this article, we will discuss interactive marketing.

Interactive Marketing

In simple words, this is a marketing strategy where companies make videos and attractive content to engage with consumers. This marketing strategy is to capture the attention of the audience and delivers them delight. Also, making an interactive marketing strategy takes creativity. It also needs to be presented in a unique way so that people get attracted to the content.

Different Types of Interactive Marketing

There are different types of this marketing strategy. These types are as follows.

Interactive Videos

If I ask you the best medium to explain something, then your answer will be a video. An audio-visual medium for explaining a topic is a great way and will entertain the viewers also. Marketers these days have found a new way to engage with the audience by adding CTAs. Companies ask their consumers to subscribe, like, give comments or share the content.

1. Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes

Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes

These are great ways to get more interactions and engagement from the consumers in a funny way. You don’t have to create a poll about your company or products. You can create any buzz about anything. There are websites like interior design, home search, travel, and others that create these to understand the consumer’s thoughts. There are popular tools that you can use for social media marketing.

2. Personalized Content

This is a way to connect with the audience personally. You can address the customers directly through email marketing and then can make specific ads for them. You can address their needs and then create an impression of your services or products. For example, suppose a consumer leaves an item in their cart. You can give them a reminder about the product by email. This is personal-level marketing.

Benefits of Interactive Marketing

There are several advantages of interactive marketing.

Interactive Marketing Benefits

1. Increase Conversion Rate

This marketing strategy is an excellent way to make a potential customer purchase immediately. For example, you can give different call-to-action to a consumer, which is an effective marketing strategy. There are digital ads that say “Purchase Now.” Or there are attractive products, and then there will be an option that says “add to cart.”

2. More Audience Engagement

To grow any business, audiences are important. Without them, you can not grow your business. And to increase audience engagement, there are different tactics like personalized content, online quizzes, and interactive videos. These strategies give the audiences a unique experience, and your business will get fun. If your audiences are happy and feel fun, then they will become your loyal consumers as well.

3. Instant Feedback

One of the best things about interactive marketing is that consumers can give their feedback instantly. You can create polls and quizzes to know their feedback. With these questions, you will learn about your website’s interface, products or services, areas of improvement, and, most importantly, whether your consumers are happy or not. With this marketing, you can connect with your audience and give them the opportunity to raise any issue.

Examples Of Interactive Marketing

As of now, you get to know about interactive marketing and its benefits. But what are some interactive marketing examples? 

Here are them.

1. User-Generated Content

User-Generated Content

The example is so popular these days that so many small and large brands are following it. So what is user-generated content? In simple words, content that is created by the consumers and shared by the brand is user-generated content. Through this strategy, brands give the opportunity to the consumers to get involved and they will put effort into making content. You can arrange competitions for the best content, or you can share those content on your page.

2. Conversational Marketing

Conversational Marketing

For small companies or regional businesses, conversational marketing is a great way for both marketing and sales. For example, suppose you have a website. But people don’t visit that so often. What you can do is make attractive social media profiles and share your products. You don’t have to put your website link, but people will definitely ask or show their curiosity about the product if they find those interesting, worthy, and attractive. After that, it is your duty to convert them into customers.

3. Personal Thank You

Personal Thank You

One of the best ways to engage with consumers and make them feel valuable is to thank them personally. For example, let’s take an example of a consumer who has been buying products for many years. After every purchase, you can thank them with an email and a small gift voucher or a coupon. As a result, first of all, they will always be loyal, secondly, the shopping count will rise, thirdly they will spread the word. And lastly, your brand reputation will increase.

4. Playable Video Game Ad

This is one of the popular one these days. I am giving you an example that I have recently faced. I was playing a game on my smartphone, and I couldn’t complete the level within specific moves. So, for additional moves, I had to watch 3 videos. And you know what? The first video consists of a playable game, and I played it for 30 seconds, then downloaded it. This is an excellent interactive marketing example.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Here are some interesting questions and answers.

1. What Are Examples Of Interactive Content?

Here are some effective and common examples of interactive content.

  • Interactive Infographics
  • Quizzes
  • Polls and Surveys
  • Assessments
  • Interactive Emails
  • Webinars

2. What Is Internal And Interactive Marketing With Example?

There is a huge difference between internal and interactive marketing. Internal marketing means the engagement between a company and its employees. On the other hand, interactive marketing means the engagement between consumers and the employees of a company.

3. Why Is Interactive Marketing So Important?

Interactive marketing is important because of these reasons.

  • Consumers find interest
  • More engagement means more followers, and more followers mean more conversions.
  • Help consumers in the purchasing journey.
  • Get to know the feedback easily.
  • Making a loyal consumer base.

Final Words

I hope that you have found this article interesting and helpful. As you get to know about interactive marketing, it is time to imply that in your business. Also, remember to be polite, be a good listener and always be ready to come up with a solution to be a good marketer. If you have any further information, let us know in the comment section below.

Thank You.

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interactive marketing benefits interactive marketing examples interactive marketing ideas interactive marketing strategies types of interactive marketing

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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