Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles: Which of the Following Demonstrates a Leader’s Commitment to Duty?

Leadership 7 Mins Read
published on: 02 September 2023 last updated on: 26 July 2024

In your life, there might be at least one leader you might have come across who inspired you a lot. All successful leaders are unique in their respective ways, and they employ different leadership styles to bring out the best in their team members. If you are a leader, you need to employ different leadership styles based on the situation you are in. However, you will need to find which ones suit you as well.

In this article, you will learn some of the general details about leadership styles and why it is important for leaders to have their  own style of leadership. Then, we will discuss some of the most common and useful leadership styles that leaders can employ to lead their teams. Finally, we will guide you on how to choose your own leadership style. Hence, to learn more about leadership, read on through to the end of the article.

What Are Leadership Styles?

According to an article regarding leadership on Hubspot Blog,

A leadership style refers to a leader’s methods and behaviors when directing, motivating, and managing others. A person’s leadership style also determines how they strategize and implement plans while accounting for the expectations of stakeholders and the well-being of the team.

Although it seems some leadership styles are better than others, all are essential in their own ways. Wise leaders know when to change their leadership styles based on the needs and demands of the situation they are in. 

However, there is one dominant leadership style of every leader, which is the result of their own personality, preferences, education, background, and more. If you are a leader, you will need to know which leadership style works naturally for you. This is one of the best characteristics of a capable leader. Despite that, you will also not try to rigidly stick to one style of leadership, as it may limit your and your team’s growth opportunities.

However, the leaders should be flexible enough to change them as well. If you are a leader, having such traits will help you to adapt to different situations as they arise. This will also allow you to improve your effectiveness as a leader.

Why Is It Important to Find Your Own Leadership Style?

Once you get to know your leadership style, you will be able to provide the right amount of guidance to your employees. Furthermore, you will also understand your thoughts better and be able to make better decisions. Apart from that, finding your leadership style will also help you to strategize for your company better.

There are different types of leadership styles, and you will need to find the one that best suits your current needs and character. Once you own up to a leadership style, you will be able to speak your mind and be able to inspire or guide your employees toward better outcomes.

After you learn about your own leadership style, you will be able to improve quickly and also with limited feedback. Furthermore, you must also understand that each leadership style has its own cons as well. Hence, you will need to find out various areas for improvement. This is a critical skill to own, as you might encounter different employees who feel hesitant to speak up.

What are the Common Leadership Styles?

The Most Common Leadership Styles

If you want to be an effective leader, you will need to be able to use different leadership styles based on the situation you are in. This way, you can make use of different methods and processes to achieve the objectives of the employer and ensure that the employees’ needs are met.

According to Indeed.com,

“By taking the time to familiarise yourself with each of these types of leadership, you might recognise certain areas to improve upon or expand your own leadership style. You can also identify other ways to lead that might better serve your current goals and understand how to work with managers who follow a different style than your own.

The following are some of the most common leadership styles:

1. Transformational Leadership

Here, the leader focuses on gaining the trust and confidence of the team. Also, they encourage their team members to meet company goals. Moreover, this type of leadership can help improve the company’s conventions. The ultimate goal is to create a positive impact on the company in the long run.

This is a traditional leadership style that is often found in managers. 

  • It is a reward (or punishment) based system.
  • leaders efficiently follow established procedures and schedules.

2. Authoritative Leadership

This is the type of leadership where the leader is solely responsible for making the decisions. They do not take input from anyone who reports to them. This type of leadership proves useful in crisis situations, where the business needs to make fast decisions and stay in control. Furthermore, the leaders take full responsibility for any outcome. Also, considering crisis management firm and their hotline can help avoid unexpected crises.

These leaders have a visionary attitude.

  • The leaders become mentors and display authoritative traits.
  • Leaders emphasize a “follow me” approach.

3. Delegative Leadership

Also known as “laissez-faire” leadership, here the leaders give the authority to the team members. They do not interject in the process unless there is a demanding situation. This leadership style is effective as it makes the employees accountable for their work. Such leadership behavior works well in a creative environment. Also, it often helps in creating a relaxed company culture.

This is one of the least intrusive forms of leadership.

  • Leaders delegate initiative to team members.
  • They do not get too involved in micromanaging.
  • It works great if team members are competent.

4. Coaching Leadership

The coaching leader focuses on finding individual talents and nurturing them as per their strengths. Here, the leader develops strategies based on the strengths of each employee and enables them to act accordingly.

It works more like a “Consider this” approach:

  • Leaders look at the team as a reservoir of talent that needs development
  • Leaders direct employees to tap into their abilities to reach their full potential

5. Democratic Leadership

Here, the leader makes decisions based on input from the team members. Basically, everyone has a say in the direction of the project. However, the leader is the one who makes the final decision.

Leaders take the “What do you think?” approach

  • Leaders look for input from employees before making decisions.
  • There is continuous group participation and dialogue.

This leadership style is one of the most effective ones for business, as everyone is able to participate in the decision-making process. Furthermore, everyone is content as they know their opinions are heard. As a result, more employees will feel the encouragement to share their feedback and opinions.

How To Find Your Own Leadership Style?

According to American Express,

Our leadership style is usually rooted in personal preferences, which can take time to change. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth thinking through what’s working and what isn’t. Understanding your natural leadership style and when other styles are more effective can help you broaden your skillset and become a better leader.

Hence, it is important for you to choose the right leadership style for yourself. Here, you need to learn which of the following demonstrates a leader’s commitment to duty. You can use the following strategies to adapt your leadership style:

1. Know Thyself

No, we are not bringing in ancient Greek philosophy here. By “know thyself,” we mean you will need to at least be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Apart from that, you must know your preferences and understand what type of leadership you like. You can take a variety of assessments online to learn your leadership style as well.

2. Know Your Team

To know the strengths and weaknesses of your team members in regard to the work, you will need to have open communication with them. You will need to communicate based on specific situations and the personality types of your team members.

3. Learn All The Leadership Styles

If you familiarize yourself with the common leadership styles (as mentioned in the previous section), you can benefit a lot. Furthermore, you must also focus on taking that leadership style that works the best for you. 

You can also get an idea of how to mold yourself with regard to a particular leadership style. This way, you can know what skills you need to develop.

Wrapping Up

Hope you have understood the importance of having a leadership style of your own. You can go through the aforementioned leadership styles again to find out which one is the best for you. Having a leadership style impacts heavily how your direct reports look up to you and how your team works in different situations.

If you want to become a great leader, you will need to choose your leadership style based on your strengths and weaknesses. However, you have to be flexible enough to accommodate change in your leadership style if the situation demands. Which leadership style suits you the best? Share your reasons with us in the comments section below.

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Autocratic Leadership Democratic Leadership Leadership Styles Situational Leadership Transformational Leadership

A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having years of content writing experience, Soumava also loves creating blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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